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What is positionality?
Positionality also refers to how we are positioned (by ourselves, by others, by particular discourses) in relation to multiple, relational social processes of difference (gender, class, race, ethnicity, age, sexuality, etc.), which also means we are differently positioned in hierarchies of power and privilege.
Why is it important?
It is critical to pay attention to positionality, reflexivity, the production of knowledge and the power relations that are inherent in research processes in order ot undertake ethical research" (Sultana 2009). Additionally, "interpretive research begins and ends with the biography and self of the researcher" (Denzin 1986).

What is my positionality?
I grew up in northern Illinois in the lovely town Libertyville. I spent my elementary school years in the dual language program, each day in class spoken in a mix of English and Spanish. I spent my summers growing up at my grandma’s lake house in Wisconsin with my awesome cousins and brothers. I was fortunate enough to attend the private college preparatory school Lake Forest Academy for high school. I then received my bachelors in Comparative Cultures and Politics from Michigan State University in May 2017. These privileges I enjoyed growing up have shaped me to be who I am today and I am grateful for that. I also recognize my childhood and what my parents worked so hard to provide for me is in the minority of the populations of the world. I am ready to give back and to serve my global community in order to give others the chance to achieve what I have been so lucky to have. This is my positionality and by understanding it and how it has impacted myself, I can better positively impact the world around me.

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