I’m back! It has been a few months since my last entry, but if you’re not inclined to write, you shouldn’t force it. Now that we are back in the swing of things at school, I would like to share with you a week in my life as a Peace Corps Spanish Literacy Volunteer.
My weeks are busier at school now that I have begun new projects. We teach younger kids to read in Spanish, from kindergarten to fourth grade (depending on what the school needs). We focus on the sounds of the letters in our lessons because that is the part of literacy that the education system is missing. We are able to merge our approach with sounds with their approach using syllables. Our first year volunteers typically focus on tutoring students to gain trust with teachers but also make progress with those students that need help still. Eventually the idea is to teach our teachers the approach since we will only be there for two years and are shooting for sustainable development. I am fortunate to have teachers that are willing to work with me, and thus is the reason for me beginning to work with my third grade class in my weeks.
Now here is a peek into my weekly schedule for this semester to finish out this school year!
7am- wake up, breakfast, take care of my new puppy (!)
8:30am- arrive at school after 5 minute walk
9:30-10am- I finish any planning and prep I may need for the school week, open the library for recreo divertido (fun recess) during this half our recess.
10-10:45am- co-teach with my third grade teacher. We always start by singing the alphabet then our sonidos iniciales song (initial sounds). Each week we focus on a letter, the sound and how to connect that sound with the vowels to make syllables. We play games to practice the letter names and sounds.
10:45-11:30am- Singing the alphabet and sonidos iniciales in second and first grades. The kids have not had the exposure to the names of letters or their sounds. So for now, while I am not co-teaching in those classes, at least I can start helping them learn the basics.
11:30-12:30pm- break before lunch either working on materials, reading or talking with teachers.
12:30-1pm- lunch time!
1-1:40pm- Recreo Divertido! (fun recess) The school has their afternoon rest during this time. About 20+ students come into the library to play literacy games, read or talk with me. Students from first through ninth grades come into play and practice reading when they are told to be outside running around. It makes me so happy to see kids want to continue learning during their breaks.
1:45-2:30pm- Time left over for me to plan for my lessons or with other teachers, have a meeting with my director/counterpart etc. Sometimes I also use the time to tutor one sixth grade boy to help him reach proficiency in reading.
2:30pm- Usually when I leave school to head home. School closes at 4pm, but I take my afternoons to recharge at home before the evening plans.

7:00am- wake up, same morning routine.
8:30am- arrive at school.
8:45am- 9:30am- I am still tutoring the kids from third grade with the lowest literacy levels. I pull out the first group at this time, continuing with letter of the week to focus on the letter, it’s sound and forming syllables then words with the letters we have already learned.
9:30-10am- Morning recess, either planning or recreo divertido.
10-11am- Two more tutoring groups from third grade in the library.
11-11:40am- Singing the alphabet and the Sonidos Iniciales in second and third.
11:40-1pm- Time to catch up with teachers and eat my lunch.
12:45-1:40pm- Recreo Divertido!
1:40-2:30pm- Varies day to day; sometimes I plan, work with students that come in, or talk with teachers.

7:00am- Morning routine before school.
8:30am-1:40pm- I have the same schedule as Tuesday working with my third graders in the library, singing in the classrooms and holding Recreo Divertido.
1:45pm-2:45pm- I hold my group for Brigada Verde, Green Brigade, once a week about every other week. This group is interested in doing more for the environment and want to learn more specifics. In addition to these classes we will be working on a project in the community to clean up trash and educate the public on why it’s important to keep the community clean.

7:00am- morning routine before school.
8:30am- Arrive at school
8:45-9:30am- Co-teaching in third grade to finish up our letter of that week. As usual we start with the two songs. We review words that start with the letter of the week, or have the letter in the middle of the word.
9:30-10am- Morning recreo divertido or planning.
10-10:45am- Singing the songs in second and first grades.
10:45-11:30am- working with my sixth grade student on his literacy in the library.
11:30am-1:40pm- reading, lunch and Recreo Divertido.
1:40pm-2:30pm- any last minute planning or working with other teachers.

I go into school every other Friday to keep the library open for students to come in for Recreo Divertido. Now I will also go into first and second grades to continue singing with them. Some days I also do a read aloud in third grade or the library during recess.

~~This is my typical weekly schedule. Things are always subject to change since things come up at the last moment. I work with my librarian frequently when she needs help. She has a Literature Club that recently had a competition she needed my help judging. She also tutors a group of about six seventh graders that need help learning to read and I offer my help since I know how tough it is to teach them. I am at their disposition, so I help them when I can and when they need it. I still have 14 months left in my service and endless possibilities for what I can do and projects I can start. I have so many ideas already and cannot wait to see how I finish out my service in a year.